26 Juni, 2009

PR from Miss Ariyanti

Ops! saya baru bisa membuat PR hari ini .Masalahnya banyak PR di real yang harus di kerjakan juga hehhe,terpaksa yang di maya di tunda dulu.langsung aja ya...


What is your current obsession? To be a good mother.
What is your weirdest obsession? Breaking my things when I angry.
What are wearing today? Nightdress
What's for dinner today? Pizza,caesar salad ,diet pepsi.
Why is today special? Because today 's I feeling like a hollywood actress,who has alot of questions or an interview with the most populer TV shows hehehe.
What would you like to learn? How to raising a kids,how to be a good mother and wife and how to maintain a relationship.
What's the last thing you bought? Dinner;pizza,and caesar salad.
What are you listening now? Kenny G.
What is your favorite weather? Mild.
What is your most challenging goal right now? My new career.
What do you think about the person who tagged you? A friendly person.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world,where would you like it to be? Los Angeles.
What would you like to have in your hand now? My baby's hands.
What would you like get rid off? bad memories of someone.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour,where would you go? England, to see tennis tournament at wimbledon.
Which language do you want to learn? English,France,German,Italian and Korean.
What do you look in a friend? A good characters, honest,understanding.
Who do you want to meet in person? Hilary Clinton.
What's your favorite type of music? Pop.
What's the favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? Jeans.
Any favorite model? TRF jeans.
If you had £ 100 now what would you spend it on? at the mall.
Favorite designer? Zara,Elie Saab.
Fashion pet peeve? Street style.
Describe your personal style. A nice looking

Punya handphone?
Merk+tipe hape? Nokia NSeries.
Warna/gambar theme yang lagi di pakai sekarang? Standby theme, hitam.
Wallpaper? Tarzano ( my cat).
Warna casing ? Hitam.
Aplikasi folder yang pertama kelihatan begitu di tekan tombol"menu"? Semua terlihat.
Bahasa yang di pakai sekarang? English.
Kapasitas baterai saat ini? Full.
Pakai slot memory? jenis? Pakai. MicroSD card MiniSD Adapter MU-37.
Total kapasitas slot memori? 1937 MB (16 GB).
Sisa kapasitas yangbelum di pakai saat ini? 1889 MB.
Choice: Banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya? Poto dan Video.
Ada fitur koneksi bluetooth? ada
Nama bluetooth saat ini? Sr*******
Aplikasi yang paling sering kamu gunakan? Google.
Sisa pulsamu saat ini? 450 SAR.
Provider seluler yang kamu pake? STC.
Nomer hape? +966500******
Siapa aja yang kamu ingin tag untuk ngerjain PR ini? ceuceusovi chrysanti Neng Rara kucingkeren


What names that friends call you? The most populer is: Sarah,soso,sarna and bossna.
Four most important dates in your life :6 April 1979,4 April 2002,30 june 2004, 1 January 2009.
Four things you've done in the last 30 minutes: Dinner, Blogging,Listening music and texting.
For ways to be happy: Praying,playing with my pets, stay together with my husband, hang out or picnic.
Four people you miss from your past: Azza,Yuni,Lina and Maria.
Four Gift you would like to receive : Flowers,songs,poems,parfum.
Four of your favorite hobbies (currently): blogging,googling,tennis,watching TV.
Four places you want to go for vacation: Kuta Bali, Rome Italy,Paris,Puncak.
Four favorite drinks: Water,green tea,juices,and starbucks coffee.
Four things always found in your bag: Handphone,comb hair,make up and wallet.
Four favorite colors: Black, sea blue, red and white.
Top four hangouts : Corniche, malls,cafe and restaurant.
Top four you love so much: Allah, mother, father and my husband.
Top four asian actors: Jacky che, Jet lee, Dian sastro, primus yustisio.
Four things special to you: Mukenah,computer,handphone books and pens.
Four favorite special "unusual" songs: Con Te Partiro,bitmun,forever in love...
Four events you will never forget : Falling in love,painful,happy and sad.
Four things you often did when you were a kid: Go to school,Read and write,watching cartoon movies, and playing with friends.
Top four reasons why you answered this survey:
1. I like the person who gave me this survey.
2. I want to be one of her friends.
3. Prove that I am can do what she wants.
4. A great Idea!
(The end)
Masih satu lagi dari sista Crysanti ..next post insyaallah.

18 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

hehehhee.. PRku sama deh kayaknya sama PR2 nya ariyanti mba.. ;p

rizal mengatakan...

wah lagi musim PR ni aku barusan selesai ngerjain PR...

emmmm... PR nya banyak banget...

Dream Competition mengatakan...

owh sama ya sis?

hmm iya bro.Kembali ke 4 tahun yang lalu hehe

mrpsycho mengatakan...

what is your favorite weather? Mild
rokoknya Mild juga ya sis,sampoerna mild atau yang menthol ?

Dream Competition mengatakan...

anti rokok saya bro.Saya nggak ingin jantung saya tersiksa heheh

genial mengatakan...

huaaaddyuuhh.. banyak beud pe'er naa :((

Fernando de Grissee mengatakan...

Aduuuuuh....banyak bahasa inggrisnya....nggak bisa!!

Fernando de Grissee mengatakan...


angga chen mengatakan...

banyak banget ya blogger yang ngerjain peer...wakakak ! thanks ya

Dream Competition mengatakan...

hehhe iya bro, lagi kebanjiran PR heheh.

ouh, bro..lupa mau ngasih bahasa Indonya.lain kali ya :)

@angga chen
Yub bro.thanks to u 2.

Ratusya mengatakan...

hohoho... pada rajin2 ya ngerjain PR :D

melynsalam mengatakan...

hhehe untung ana uda ngerjain.

Mbak, untuk o0m fernand0 kirimin yang versi arabic aja. hwkwkwk..

Fernando mengatakan...


Ariyanti mengatakan...

Horeeeee...!!! Congratz ya sis, finally u finished the homework!

Top four reasons why you answered this survey:
1. I like the person who gave me this survey. --> really??? Awwwhhh, thank you sis, i really like you too! :)
2. I want to be one of her friends. --> no need to ask, you've already become my friend even before you've done this homework :P
3. Prove that I am can do what she wants. --> Off course you can! :)
4. A great Idea! --> thanks to the real maker of this homework though (siapa ya? hehe...)

Thank you very much!!! :)

rizal mengatakan...

terimakasih sebelumnya sudah mencoba akses blog gue...
nggak bisa diakses...???

waduh mungkin loadingnya berat....

coba lagi... xixixi...

Dream Competition mengatakan...

hehhe anak baik pasti rajin sis:D

Yub, melym paling dulu kayaknya ya hehhe

sayapnya musti di ikat biar nggak kabur heheh.

No need to ask, you've already become my friend, even before you've done this home work:p <<< yes, you did it sis,Thank you!

iya bro, terus artikelnya nggak nemu heheh loadingnya gagal terus.

Unknown mengatakan...

wah selamatttt yaaaaaa

Dream Competition mengatakan...

makasih Jeng...